5 Things You Need To Stop Doing On Instagram


Over the last decade, social media has become the main source of entertainment and human interaction. In the last couple of years, Instagram has been instrumental in launching music careers, businesses, countless comedians and the like. Unfortunately with such a worldwide phenomenon, while many have used it properly and to their advantage, an equal amount – if not more – love to abuse Instagram and all that it has to offer. For those lovely folks, we here at LIT have put together a list of 5 things you need to IMMEDIATELY stop doing on the photo-sharing network.

Ashley Spinnelly

Overly Hash-Tagging:
Hash-tags are to be used to make the content of your post accessible to people who share similar interests. Let’s say, for instance, you’re at the beach and decide to take a picture. Hash-tagging the name of the beach is just fine or even throwing in a few comical hash-tags…but hash-tagging everything in the picture is a bit obsessive, i.e. #beach #bluewater #polkatowel #seagull #umbrella #sodacan. You see how annoyed you just got by reading those ridiculous hash-tags? Yeah, well that’s how I feel every time I see that under someone’s picture. Please relax.

Silent Videos:
Look, I love a Charlie Chaplin film just as much as next guy. Unfortunately, YOU are not a silent movie actor, so please do us all a favor and stop posting silent videos squinting your eyes, flipping your hair, and holding the camera at various angles. If you don’t have anything to say to fill up 15 seconds, take some selfies and carry on.

Filtering Every Picture:
We all know that one of the perks of Instagram is the ability to filter pictures. However, if I follow you and more than half of your pictures are filtered, you are getting unfollowed and blocked. CLEARLY you’re hiding something, and quite frankly, I just want no parts in your secret operations.

Yes, we are well aware that the camera adds 10 pounds, but holding your phone up over your head and looking to the left won’t actually make you smaller. Neither will having your cousin sit on the floor to take your picture. Please keep in mind some of us know you in real life, so laying on your stomach, arching your back and snapping a photo won’t make us believe you went on some sort of weight-loss journey. If you dislike how you look so much that you’re to the point of contouring your body in ridiculously uncomfortable-looking poses, get off Instagram and go to the gym. Besides, everyone loves a good gym selfie.

Food Pictures:
I actually love food pictures on Instagram…when they look like actual food. Here is a good rule of thumb – if the food in your picture looks unfit for human consumption, do not post it! Additionally, if it looks like it was already digested and then thrown up, also a good sign not to post.

So there you have it! Are there any other annoying habits people have on Instagram that you hate? Let us know in the comments!


Fashion fell in love with Hip-Hop and gave birth to me, The Haitian Carrie Bradshaw, The Fabulous Vocabulous.

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